SOCIOLOGY — as a field of intellectual endeavor is much older than sociology as an academic discipline. Modern sociology can be traced to the Scottish moralists such as Adam Ferguson, David Hume, Adam Smith, and possibly to Thomas Hobbes. The word sociology… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
sociology — sociologist, n. /soh see ol euh jee, soh shee /, n. the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; the science of the fundamental laws of social relations, institutions, etc. [1835 45; < F… … Universalium
Sociology — For the journal, see Sociology (journal). Sociology … Wikipedia
Sociology versus social theory — This page . Please remove this note when it is improved. Social theory has always had an uneasy relationship with other academic disciplines, especially sociology. Many of its key thinkers were neither sociologists nor ever held a university… … Wikipedia
Sociology of human consciousness — The sociology of human consciousness is an attempt to use the theories and methodology of sociology to explain human consciousness. The foundations of this work may be traced to philosopher and sociologist George Herbert Mead, whose work provided … Wikipedia
Subfields of sociology — This is a list of sociology subfields. Subfields *Applied sociology/clinical sociology (also see sociological practice) *Architecture, Sociology of *Art, Sociology of *Body, Sociology of *Business, Sociology of *Childhood, Sociology of… … Wikipedia
List of sociology topics — This is a list of topics covered in sociology. This is a shorter list: List of basic sociology topics. NOTOC A absolute poverty achieved status acid rain acute disease adaptation Adultism affect control theory affirmative action affluent… … Wikipedia
List of important publications in sociology — Foundations The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism *Max Weber * Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus , 1904 * [ eth frame.html Online version] Description … Wikipedia
economic life, sociology of — The fundamental problem in economics is to explain how the limited productive resources and effort of a society are allocated among the wide range of alternative uses to which they might be put. Conventional economic theory seeks to address this… … Dictionary of sociology
1950s in sociology — The following events related to sociology occurred in the 1950s.1950*Theodor Adorno s The Authoritarian Personality is published. *George Homans s The Human Group is published. *Thomas Humphrey Marshall s Citizenship and Social Class . *Richard… … Wikipedia
race, sociology of — The placing of the term ‘race’ in inverted commas is now seen by some sociologists as a useful way of indicating that this manner of categorizing individuals and population groups is not based on any biologically valid distinctions between the… … Dictionary of sociology